This collection of personal reflections on life and faith is written by Sandra Yaude. Born on the east coast, Sandra has skipped across the country during her lifetime and now resides in northern Idaho. This small compilation of her works were written during different seasons of her lifetime.
She hopes each reader will discover a blessing within the pages of this volume and that they will be drawn closer to God through its words.
Copyright 2021
Sandra Yaude
An Ordinary Day
Book of Reflections
nearby storm sends wind to stir the leaves.
Birds sing their nightly songs unperturbed.
Summer's heat is supplanted as clouds shroud the sun at day's end.
The sky a mosaic of blue, white and gray;
Clouds creeping unhurried northward,
Another day nears its end
Another page in history written
And what entry did my life write upon its pages?
Did I save a life, minister to the poor, share the Gospel?
Did I learn anything, conquer any mountain, right any wrong?
I lived an ordinary day
Largely alone.
Yet I sought to remain faithful to who I am,
To the person God has crafted me to be.
Is that enough?
Does a string of ordinary, unevenful day
Unpunctuated by anything significant,
Count in God's kingdom?
Can an ordinary day be like the birch that stands stalwartly in all its verdant beauty
Swaying, fluttering, bending to the whims of the wind?
Strong yet resilient.
Can an ordinary day be like the evening song of a bird,
Comforting, soothing in its simplicity?
Not all days will be tumultuous
But they can be transforming.
In the bounds of ordinary days our resolve is honed,
Our roots reach down to steady us for the extraordinary when it comes.
Scorn not the ordinary day,
For therein the Master Potter refines His art.