Harbingers of Autumn

Magpies swoop into the yard, Their avian tuxedos A flashy sign autumn is near. Days later rain comes, Chilling the air. Winds blow through, Ushering in the next season And loosing blankets of pine needles To the ground. The sun now regularly shares the sky With moisture laden clouds, Puffs of gray and white cotton…

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Nature’s Tease

The sky was frosted with gray and white icing. Wind stirred the leaves, Caused the pines to sway, And churned the water in the nearby river. In the distance, Thunder suddenly rumbles Like an empty stomach. Here and there People hasten off walkways and paths As the thunder intensifies. A crow caws. Is it a…

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The Listening Game

          It was a lovely summer day. Alexandra spent all afternoon outside. Her friend Susie came over and they played a game of croquet in Alexandra’s large grassy backyard. After that they enjoyed time playing “grown-ups” with Alexandra’s dolls on the open-air back porch that ran the width of her house. Finishing up that activity,…

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The sun slips out of sight, Repainting the sky a fading soft-hued blue. Birds chirp their final songs For the night. Trees become silhouettes in the dimming light, And one by one houses flip on lights To replace the sun’s power to illumine the street. As nature yawns, And welcomes the ending of another day,…

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