Christ Our Hope

It was washing day. Miriam walked outside carrying her large worn wicker basket full of freshly washed clothes. Setting the basket down on the ground, she grabbed the item on top and absently clipped it to the clothesline. Normally she enjoyed this job, especially taking down the dried clothes, scented with fresh sun-filled air. Today her mood was sober. Her two brothers had left their village over a month ago. She had received no word from them. They had gone to find Jesus. News of His many miracles had reached their tiny village and Thaddeus and Levi wanted to see these things for themselves

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The Lonely Road To Peace

She walked alone, on a dusty dirt road, lined with tall brown grass and thorny bushes. Hands in her pockets, head down, eyes looking into her past. Silence hung in the air like smoke from a distant wildfire. For the first time in her life she felt lonely. Most of the people in her life had moved on, changed lanes on the freeway of life and taken exits to places she’d never see. Part of her felt like an empty walnut shell, cracked open, exposed, the juicy meat consumed, the sharp-edged shell thoughtlessly tossed out the window without a care.

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Summer Snapshots

Sleeveless shirts
Sunglasses and suntan lotion
Smiling children building sand castles

Ants crawling across the deck
Flies finding their way into kitchens
Grasshoppers hanging out in sun-scorched weeds

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